by Scott Raymond, MS, CPDT-KA | May 30, 2016
When you are working on helping your dog become less reactive towards other dogs, a factor that often comes about is having difficulty even having them focus on you rather than the environment. One reason this can happen is a dog’s distress about being in...
by Scott Raymond, MS, CPDT-KA | Dec 3, 2012
Today I thought I’d address a question that we occasionally get asked by clients… “At what point can I stop using (the clicker/treats) with my dog for the behavior I am working on improving?” This is actually a really interesting question to...
by Dr Valli | Oct 28, 2011
When I was young, Halloween was one of my favorite celebrations. Not so much because of the candy (although it was definitely a bonus) but because of the chance to be someone (or something) completely different from my usual everyday self. It’s a great time to...