MiniClass: Brains and Brawn

MiniClass: Brains and Brawn
Attendees: Limited to 5 dogs
Length: 4 weekly sessions
Time: 50 minutes per class
Tuition: $145 (4-week class)
Special Notes: Prior injuries or physical
challenges may need veterinary pre-approval.
Open to graduates of Reactive Rover:
Foundations class

Looking for ways to wear out your dog and you’re tired of being wet and cold? Would you love to teach your dogs some new skills and tricks, all while finding fun ways to enrich their day?

Join us for our new four week Mini Class: Brain and Brawn Games. We will spend one week each on nose work games, tricks and fitness skills. The last week we will have stations to practice and refine your new training skills. Come and learn how easy and fun it is to wear out even the most active dog!

Class can accommodate graduates of Synergy’s Reactive Rover Foundations class.

For full information about our pre-screening process and class policies, please visit our class policy page. For commonly questions we are asked about class, visit our class FAQs page.